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Japanese crossword «Meadowlark»

Size: 40x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:19.12.23Author: Laridae

andy11 (20 December 2023, 2:23) complain
Exactly what it says it is.
show: 3 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (20 December 2023, 8:16) complain
A hawk is feeling amorous...
The first partner he meets is a dove.

He pulls her into the bushes and there's a bunch of shaking and rustling sounds. A few minutes later, they both come out looking happy.

The dove says, "I'm a dove and I've been loved."

The hawk is still unsated, though, so he keeps looking.

The next partner he meets is a lark. He pulls the lark into the bushes, the same shaking and rustling happens, and they both come out looking happy.

The lark says, "I'm a lark and I've been sparked."

Next, the hawk finds a duck.

Same deal as before, but this time when they come out, the duck looks angry and the hawk looks extremely embarrassed.

The duck says, "I'm a drake and you made a mistake!"
show: 2 🗨
andy11 (20 December 2023, 12:14) complain
Naughty...and funny.
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (21 December 2023, 2:56) complain
I changed some words to make it more acceptable.
nataliecv (20 December 2023, 3:51) complain
Thank you
juliadesigns (10 March 2024, 0:01) complain
Sings to me
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