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Japanese crossword «Retro car»

Size: 50x25Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:14.12.23Author: Tverianka

Janet (15 December 2023, 3:31) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
wisekaren (15 December 2023, 17:39) complain
Wow, this is great!
(Is anyone else having nonograms sneak into their dreams? No? Oh, then, me neither, I guess...)
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (14 August 2024, 8:04) complain
I wouldn't call it sneaking. :D
msat (16 December 2023, 5:26) complain
This was like driving on the highway in rush hour: you zoom along for a bit, and then the traffic gets stuck; then the way clears and off you go, only to get stuck again... and the cycle repeats. Very challenging and satisfying puzzle to do! I'm pleased that I managed to stick it out without hints. :)
show: 1 🗨
Puzzled (6 February 2024, 9:15) complain
Good Description of the process.
Kalou (21 January 2024, 21:11) complain
Good, thank's
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