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Русский English

Japanese crossword «Ram»

Size: 45x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:07.12.23Author: Laridae

nataliecv (8 December 2023, 7:19) complain
Thank you
CinnaRobin (8 December 2023, 7:54) complain
I did most of the horn first, and spent ages thinking it was going to be a prawn!
Janet (8 December 2023, 9:53) complain
Very nice - thank you :))
Petse (8 December 2023, 16:10) complain
I have noticed that I miss many words in english language. Ram was one of them as I found out it is not always a Dodge.

Thank you, Laridae, for again making me more knowledgeable. I'm afraid there is still quite a many steps on my route ;D
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