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Japanese crossword «In twilight lighting (self-portrait)»

Size: 50x75Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:26.11.23Author: Ayzhana

smeuse (27 November 2023, 5:52) complain
This picture is really cool! And way less difficult than rated. Don't be daunted by the size!
Petse (27 November 2023, 10:48) complain
Lot of work but it was straight forward. Entry level for bigger pictures.
And the picture was fine tuned!

Thank you, Ayzhana!
Jazzy_Vexing_Vixen (27 November 2023, 17:20) complain
Woof... for all your comments claiming you're a skilled puzzle maker who can draw a very detailed face... this puzzle is direct proof to the opposite. Sorry for my remark.
nataliecv (28 November 2023, 15:41) complain
Thank you, great image and fun to do.
tbturker (20 December 2023, 11:28) complain
It was easy, but fun. Thanks.
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