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Japanese crossword «Hummingbirds»

Size: 22x25Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:17.11.23Author: Chipalaka

gremio (18 November 2023, 2:38) complain
I see just one hummingbird, among many nice flowers!
Chorton (18 November 2023, 3:12) complain
One hummingbird, and without the busy background it would be excellent!
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The-Nono-Gram (18 November 2023, 7:20) complain
After the challenge of doing it without Xs, I am going to have to agree with you.
anamilitao (18 November 2023, 3:35) complain
Before reading gremio's comment, I thought I was just too sleepy to figure it out...
Nikki3851 (18 November 2023, 10:55) complain
I can agree on one unidentified flying object, could just as well be an insect trying to get free from a spider's web. Or...
I don't much like it when the artist says hey, I pained it, now you go and figure out what I meant.
msat (18 November 2023, 12:17) complain
Yes, the title should be in the singular, and the thumbnail is much clearer. I found it interesting to complete, and I'm thrilled there are some small puzzles today!
Scooter (18 November 2023, 16:59) complain
Welcome and thanks new artist! This was an extremely difficult solve for the no-X crowd! I generally agree with the comments above about the resulting image. I see maybe 1 hummingbird, but also kind of see a cartoon puppy facing front left. Maybe a more appropriate title would be Rorschach? ;-)
Thanks again and please keep posting! There’s been a dearth of new small puzzles lately.
wisekaren (18 November 2023, 17:24) complain
Can't see much of anything but still enjoyed the challenge of solving it!
andy11 (18 November 2023, 17:40) complain
The above comments are interesting, much more than the puzzle itself. Just don't see it.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (18 November 2023, 23:45) complain
To see, look at the thumbnail. Love the smaller tough ones. Thanks!
brumeux77 (21 November 2023, 8:24) complain
You have to go to the thumbnail to see the beak.
show: 1 🗨
Maburg (22 November 2023, 3:49) complain
I couldn't see the beak, even in the thumbnail.
QueenCC (21 November 2023, 23:39) complain
Yikes! Love this new artist, but this one's a stumper. With all the artistic movement (which I applaud), I have trouble seeing the main focus. Sorry...
Maburg (22 November 2023, 3:55) complain
I agree with Chorton. I could se the bird, but no the beak. And the background resulted so confused.
bissektrisa (23 November 2023, 0:39) complain
сплошные единицы, а на выходе непонятно что, не понравилось
squilliam_the_unwise (23 December 2023, 6:15) complain
i literally dont see it
Equus (18 March 2024, 18:54) complain
I had to stand the far side of the room to see it and then only just. Interesting to do though.
Jevanyn (26 June 2024, 0:31) complain
Aaaaaa, I see like one, maybe
Jevanyn (26 June 2024, 0:32) complain
I see it now, there's a flower and a snowflake in the background and stuff. Nice detail, really, could use some spacing though
kerwincormier (7 October 2024, 2:09) complain
Lots of detail and the image gets lost.
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