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Japanese crossword «At the hairdresser»

Size: 45x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:11.11.23Author: imari13

wisekaren (12 November 2023, 17:10) complain
Wow, this was sooooooo hard, even with Xs! Nice job! (I was sure it was going to be a violinist!)
Lyman_Zerga (13 November 2023, 14:00) complain
James Bond gets called into M’s office.
M: I have a job for you. You will have to disguise yourself as a blond businessman called John Smith.
Bond: But I have dark hair! Do you expect me to wear a wig or something?!
M: No mister Bond, I expect you to dye.
enflasyon (23 May 2024, 15:37) complain
nice puzzle thx
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