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Japanese crossword «Antelope Oryx»

Size: 45x40Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:21.09.23Author: Tverianka

SherylAgain (22 September 2023, 4:58) complain
I'm doing your puzzles again, Tverianka! They have such a lovely spirit! <3
JonLennox (22 September 2023, 21:14) complain
It looks kind of like a cave painting.
show: 2 🗨
Author Tverianka (22 September 2023, 23:12) complain
???cave painting??
show: 1 🗨
JonLennox (23 September 2023, 0:46) complain
The way it was outlined, and the semi-abstraction, reminded me of some of the ancient cave paintings at places like Lascaux. (I like it!)
smeuse (22 September 2023, 22:32) complain
Gorgeous. Elegant. Challenging. What more could I ask for?
deborah (25 September 2023, 20:12) complain
In the last half of solving this puzzle, it became something entirely different to what I'd been thinking it was! Good puzzle, fun challenge. Thanks!
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