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Japanese crossword «Nana Deviluke»

Size: 200x149Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:18.09.23Author: kawabaka

Ayzhana (19 September 2023, 4:54) complain
I can draw an anime character's face in an area of no more than 45x45 pixels. Your drawing is primitive for such a huge format. Sorry for my remark
eeyore004 (20 September 2023, 17:54) complain
Yes, unnecessarily large, but also not difficult, so good for someone nervous about trying such a large puzzle.
Sebastard82 (1 October 2023, 3:20) complain
Stupidly huge :(
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NonoTyson (2 October 2023, 6:56) complain
Why did you do it then? Just to complain about it?
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Sebastard82 (3 October 2023, 19:12) complain
Not "just" to complain about it. We don't do these just to complain -_-'

Also it's not "just" the size.
Size wouldn't be an issue if the side bars were lockable, so you'd always see the numbers. Scrolling my ass off right now.
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ellogaby (4 October 2023, 14:15) complain
oh my gosh yes... the scrolling was killing me! we need to be able to lock the side bars!
Antonio_Duraccio (7 October 2023, 4:28) complain
if you use the full screen mode you can lock the side bars
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Randy (3 November 2023, 4:35) complain
How? and how do you scroll in full screen?
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Antonio_Duraccio (3 November 2023, 16:38) complain
theres a button made of 4 arrows, next to the settings button. you can scroll clicking the center button of the mouse
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Randy (4 November 2023, 3:25) complain
found full screen and the arrows in the upper left to supposedly lock the side bars but the entire bar doesn't show and clicking the center wheel only zooms
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UltraLuigi (28 February 2024, 7:16) complain
Don't know if you figured it out, but you scroll in full screen by dragging while holding middle click.
Licou (10 October 2023, 16:37) complain
I like huge puzzles:). Thanks for this one!
tbturker (14 October 2023, 21:42) complain
Enormously big, for such a simple picture.
cdb122869 (11 November 2023, 16:09) complain
I think it is awesome that anyone takes the time to make any of these puzzles. I also feel that the rude comments are completely uncalled for. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
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dkneis (19 June 2024, 21:51) complain
completely agree, anyone that said they can do it better let us know what number xword yours is so we can try it out!
Ali27 (21 October 2024, 18:32) complain
I had so much fun whit this one! Thank you very much!
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