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Japanese crossword «Lion»

Size: 45x45Picture:6/10Difficulty:7/10Added:01.09.23Author: horoshij

Phil_Jackson (2 September 2023, 11:08) complain
Knock, knock,
Who's there,
Lion who,
Lying on your porch is boring.
wisekaren (3 September 2023, 15:49) complain
OMG I don't know why this was so hard for me! I not only had to use Xs, but I had to take all 3 hints -- and then also make some guesses, which I haven't done in years! WOW.
Scooter (20 September 2023, 4:35) complain
Thanks and welcome back Horoshij! I burned through all of your puzzles early on in the pandemic and really enjoyed all of them. Always a good challenge with a great reward at the end!
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