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Japanese crossword «Rebus + riddle»

Size: 45x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:28.08.23Author: Gor_WM

msat (29 August 2023, 2:42) complain
These really don't translate well into English, but I enjoy the puzzles anyway!
John_Robertshaw (29 August 2023, 12:03) complain
On balance I think that the devil is in the detail?
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The-Nono-Gram (30 August 2023, 1:38) complain
I see devil right something that looks like a park bench?
Left off balance?
Onono (30 August 2023, 1:41) complain
Without a doubt, that is the grand unified solution, reconciling sociology, linguistics, quantum mechanics, and nonogramology.
klaust (29 August 2023, 12:17) complain
I don't understand the riddle. Can You help me?
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The-Nono-Gram (30 August 2023, 1:39) complain
Look at my reply to John_Robertshaw. Maybe, between the 3 of us we can figure it out?
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Onono (30 August 2023, 1:48) complain
You won't get it without knowledge of the Russian language and alphabet (or, alternatively, of the grand unified theory, but that's even more difficult to master). I had thought that the futility of trying to solve Russian-language rebuses was well-known to the anglophones here.
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The-Nono-Gram (30 August 2023, 2:31) complain
It is but you just can't stop your brain from trying to figure out a puzzle.
1Galina (8 September 2023, 22:03) complain
The first picture shows the devil plus the letter M. The second and fifth pictures show the signs > and <. On the third - a sled upside down (This means the word is read from right to left)
The fourth picture shows the formula for methane, also upside down.
On the last one are scales.
If you read it in Russian, you get a comic riddle:
"The more of us, the less weight" (Holes)
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Carolina128 (14 September 2023, 5:30) complain
Thank you so much for explaining it.
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