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Japanese crossword «Who wants to become a millionaire?»

Size: 110x70Picture:6/10Difficulty:7/10Added:20.08.23Author: Shayusupov

wibble99 (21 August 2023, 16:41) complain
Far too big for me to even bother starting, my eyesight isn't that good.
show: 1 🗨
NonoTyson (24 August 2023, 7:24) complain
Then don't do it.
Nenormalu (21 August 2023, 22:07) complain
since putin has claimed that his father died durin WWII, none of answers is correct. The question for a million is - When will he die.
nono-nono (31 August 2023, 18:06) complain
Let's hope that this warlike asshole will soon die. And God will send him to hell.
tbturker (3 September 2023, 15:37) complain
... and politics interfered to the nonograms also ...
Poggers (27 October 2023, 21:16) complain
i couldn't care less about the politics of this puzzle but much fun to solve as most of these large puzzles are!
show: 1 🗨
Simple_Simon (2 November 2023, 18:13) complain
Completely agree - it's a great puzzle
MAP1818 (10 March 2024, 7:01) complain
Would someone kindly translate this using a spoiler for those of us who do not speak this language? Thank you.
Rexzilla (26 June 2024, 22:48) complain
this comment section makes me glad I chose ASL as my second language cause this puzzle is in Russian and the comments are political
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