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Japanese crossword «Drum»

Size: 40x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:25.07.23Author: Laridae

klaust (26 July 2023, 4:13) complain
Until the last move I didn't see/know what it is.
Greetings from the BLECHTROMMEL!
andy11 (26 July 2023, 23:15) complain
This picture took some beating...
show: 1 🗨
Scooter (27 July 2023, 12:46) complain
But once you get it rolling it’s a smash hit!
juliadesigns (18 April 2024, 14:17) complain
Well Laridae you fooled me...i saw sun glasses, crosses, a skull, an owl. Didnt actually get it until the last pixel. Nce one!
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