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Japanese crossword «Metal man»

Size: 114x156Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:12.07.23Author: Kombo

Chris11028 (13 July 2023, 2:38) complain
How in the world am I going to do this size hahaha
show: 1 🗨
sallyannlady (13 July 2023, 6:15) complain
Patiently ...
earthmover (13 July 2023, 23:58) complain
took me 8 hours over a couple different sittings, easily the most time consuming puzzle i've done
eeyore004 (14 July 2023, 17:17) complain
Wow, this one was a CHALLENGE. Great one.
GulfCoastGuppy (19 July 2023, 21:49) complain
Wow is right! Sore muscles from scrolling and clicking LOL. At least my 33 yr old son knew it.
sallyannlady (31 July 2023, 5:58) complain
19:03:32 ... and that's WITH Xs, and over many many sittings ...wow! I wish I knew what it said behind him.
show: 1 🗨
indigohorse (9 August 2023, 3:39) complain
It says "System of a Down", the name of a heavy metal band :)
Author Kombo (2 August 2023, 19:47) complain
Hi guys,
Thank you all for your time in solving.
Everyone who solve it under 8 hours... good job (my record).
This puzzle is based on this one:
He is Daron Malakien, lead guitarist of System of a down (text in the background)
Do you guys wish more like this one? It was created with the help of program I wrote myself but don't worry, it takes still many many hours to make it solvable (23 requests)
If you find something interesting I will be happy to see your ideas down below in the comments
tbturker (7 August 2023, 19:48) complain
12:07:28 This is the longest duration, which I spent for a puzzle.
Thanks anyway.
Dyb921 (22 August 2023, 0:57) complain
Holy Cow that was a big one!
JPPambo (24 October 2023, 18:13) complain
Wowza that took some time! 21:34:30 on the clock but a lot of that was idle time I guess... Great challenge!
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