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Japanese crossword #6538

Size: 5x5Picture:6/10Difficulty:2/10Added:11.03.16Author: Drunk_Snake



Guest: Anna (25 April 2016, 23:55) complain
Drunk Snake, you are a genius at making good pictures with a minimum of squares.
show: 4 🗨
Kieubasiarz (4 November 2018, 16:31) complain
I first thought you described the picture as a drunk snake. That kinda fits too.
show: 3 🗨
Nymad (10 July 2019, 12:35) complain
same here xd
laurend (1 September 2020, 5:18) complain
yesss hahaha!
show: 1 🗨
eagertomato (21 July 2022, 18:34) complain
I think it drank the bottle itself bc that's one weird lookin' snake
helenstamps (29 April 2016, 0:36) complain
I second Anna's comments
Jaylee_James (8 June 2016, 22:58) complain
I third Anna's comment. :D such cute, tiny animals.
Henk_Maes (26 June 2016, 19:43) complain
I quarth? fourth?
FellHarbor (5 July 2016, 22:56) complain
And I fifth it. Excellent job!
KittyluvGaming (5 August 2016, 3:53) complain
12 seconds ^^ and Sixth
Emm (15 November 2016, 11:07) complain
Cute looks like a little chicken :)
MarbangrexXVI (12 December 2016, 19:32) complain
8th and 5 seconds! =)
Guest: Dahlia (16 December 2016, 1:49) complain
Ninth, these little ones are adorable c:
(8 seconds)
mikegivesback (27 January 2017, 2:42) complain
Guest: Bethany. D (27 February 2017, 7:36) complain
11th! (6 seconds.)
Marycha (27 March 2017, 1:02) complain
Dozenth - I appreciate these mini-puzzles made by Drunk Snake
Sheryl_Hill (7 January 2018, 2:11) complain
So cute. I was terrified, at the next to last minute, that it was going to be another... another... another... (I can hardly get the word out it's so terrifying)... heart!
Noramros (8 January 2018, 6:49) complain
Lol, it's like a pinata
jetpakturtle (15 January 2018, 23:21) complain
wangchen615 (26 March 2018, 5:30) complain
My best record, 0:00:08
Guest: FlappyDuck (8 July 2018, 13:25) complain
show: 1 🗨
Lagan (8 July 2019, 12:44) complain
chikan indeed
Guest: mee (24 February 2019, 21:43) complain
i 69th it
Guest: Ebony14 (31 August 2019, 9:35) complain
That's awesome! Looks more like a rooster though, no? For some reason it took me 26 sec. -_-
magis (27 September 2019, 14:30) complain
Add me to the tally!
thefrogs (18 April 2020, 14:44) complain
hmm, do i solve the big numbers first and then fill in the ones?
catfire (22 April 2020, 21:41) complain
PeterM (23 June 2020, 14:50) complain
CosmicBoy (16 July 2020, 7:29) complain
la imagen que todos llevamos en el corazón
Kinib (22 October 2020, 9:33) complain
Simple pic, easy to do. Fun on the go
EEpp (15 February 2021, 4:04) complain
that was too easy but how is it a chicken?!
EEpp (15 February 2021, 4:04) complain
cyberdumb (11 March 2021, 1:28) complain
chikkie :)
OcularBear8 (8 May 2021, 15:35) complain
12 secs first try ^ 29th
eagertomato (21 July 2022, 18:35) complain
18 secs first try, 5 secs 3rd try (my best attempt)
Meloe (6 September 2022, 2:50) complain
16 seconds :>
romuloescamilla (9 August 2023, 16:49) complain
a nonogram 101 classic
ozviq (6 November 2023, 0:45) complain
33rd, Buk-AW!
The-Nono-Daughter (20 January 2024, 9:18) complain
ilovetoon1 (14 February 2024, 23:59) complain
0.11 n!cee
TanteiRotana (10 May 2024, 7:13) complain
hobbitaurus (22 May 2024, 9:19) complain
When people do a 'speed run' type thing, do you kinda look at it first and then figure it out before you start filling it in? Because I just filled this bad boy in in 4s.

But yeah, there were a few seconds before of prep. :D
Alssan (20 August 2024, 18:28) complain
This is a good one!
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