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Japanese crossword «Rebus + riddle»

Size: 45x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:14.06.23Author: Gor_WM

John_Robertshaw (15 June 2023, 12:00) complain
The nono made my brain hurt.
The Rebus + riddle have melted it!
I've got to "hand"it to you Gor_WM - all I can get is a robot & its shadow together with random numbers (some reversed), currency, letters, a bent key and a spinning top.
andy11 (15 June 2023, 17:20) complain
I think this is one of those psychological pictures where you have to say what you see. In my case, three druids celebrating the upcoming summer solstice whilst having a cup of tea. Or maybe just some random figures.
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