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Japanese crossword «Shrek»

Size: 35x33Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:09.06.23Author: Sumerka

Chorton (10 June 2023, 2:21) complain
I thought it was going to be a scary clown face!
The-Nono-Gram (10 June 2023, 7:58) complain
I was Mrs. Wrong AGAIN. Working from the bottom up, I thought it was a cocktail glass with a cocktail in it. Mr. Wonderful did not.
andy11 (11 June 2023, 23:54) complain
It's like looking in a mirror!!
msat (12 June 2023, 3:13) complain
Wow! Started from the bottom, and it was easy... until the last dozen lines at the top, at which point I totally lost faith in my ability to solve these puzzles. (Yes, I needed a hint. And then it was easy again.) Good puzzle! Excellent picture.
show: 1 🗨
wisekaren (12 June 2023, 15:00) complain
I had a similar experience - went all the way to the top without Xs and then had to add 'em. And what a reveal!
JonLennox (12 June 2023, 21:44) complain
I thought it was going to be one of those pay-binoculars they have at tourist spots with vistas.
krasny (6 July 2023, 16:08) complain
hehe shrek +1
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