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Japanese crossword «Rebus + riddle»

Size: 45x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:03.05.23Author: Gor_WM

bisondele (4 May 2023, 19:19) complain
what the hell is the point of uploading rebus puzzles on this site? If i wanted to do rebus puzzles i'd go to a webpage where the images are already available instead of having to do a whole ass nonogram just to see the puzzle. seriously this is a stupid waste of time
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zager (4 May 2023, 20:25) complain
then do that? imagine complaining about a puzzle lmao
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bisondele (4 May 2023, 20:56) complain
why? I wasted 30 minutes of my time at work doing this when i could have been doing work assignments. it is a waste of company time when people upload puzzles like this
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vidar34 (4 May 2023, 23:50) complain
lol wtf, maybe just don't do puzzles at work then
pixiegirl909 (8 May 2023, 19:15) complain
Sounds like someone should've managed their time better then lol.
tamicat65 (5 May 2023, 8:32) complain
Maybe giving us the answer would help?
MAP1818 (7 May 2023, 1:58) complain
I agree with tamicat65. I don't mind solving the nonogram. I just wish there was some way to solve the rebus!!! They are not easy for me. The answer to the rebus could easily be shared as a "spoiler". If not, perhaps the author would give a heads up so we would know before we spend time doing the nonogram that it is one of his rebus puzzles. That way those of us not wanting to solve them without access to the rebus answer could bypass those particular puzzles.
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