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Japanese crossword «Dodo»

Size: 29x37Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:05.03.23Author: monicca

andy11 (6 March 2023, 11:50) complain
Wow, found this very difficult. Love the end result though.
Zirinovskis (7 March 2023, 2:06) complain
If I can identify the species from the picture, that is a great picture! Thanks for the challenge!
show: 2 🗨
sstjeb (9 March 2023, 5:35) complain
Yes, I got it too.
show: 1 🗨
NancyUK (9 March 2023, 15:37) complain
Yes, very clear what it was …. Poor thing! Nice one, thanks
wisekaren (8 March 2023, 22:57) complain
Once again had to give up on doing it without Xs - these are pleasantly challenging, monicca! Keep 'em coming.
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