Japanese crossword «Anxious Question»
Size: 20x20 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 02.02.23 | Author: nonopops |
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Kinda looks like an angry Fred Flintstone.
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On his knees with a ring box. Looks like a proposal.
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I didn't see it until I read your comment. I think you're right.
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Let me get this right. It is a proposal while at the same time it is "his" anxious face at the moment of the proposal?
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Or asking for assistance to locate the lost contact lenses
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I was looking at a big lipped person with angry eyes making a question hahaha. great catch there
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Took me a while to see it, but it's very good once you get it.
This is a practice I've never understood, holding up the ring as you kneel to propose. To me it says two things: (1) I know there's no attraction to marrying me, but I figured if the bribe was big enough... (2) Your taste in jewelry is not important; I know what's best. Now granted my own proposal was a tad irregular, but I would never buy something that significant without her input. Earrings, sure--she wears 'em, she doesn't wear 'em. But the expectation with an engagement ring is that it will be worn every day.
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Don't forget the "rule" that you spend 3 months salary on the darned thing. True story: I didn't want an engagement ring at the time because any was unaffordable. Years later, I go surprised on an anniversary with one. It is a perfect diamond that the jeweler couldn't sell because although it was perfect, it was deemed too small. I have very thin fingers and don't like big rings so Mr. Wonderful bought the perfect ring for me.
I think kneeling is like a gesture of respect, like how people kneel in front of a king or queen. It's like you're saying "You are my queen, I love you, and I don't feel worthy of marrying you, but will you please consider this request anyway?"
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OK, here's a summary:
- The anxious question is :"Will you ..."
- He is holding an open ring box containing an engagement ring (1ct. diamond)
- The hopefully-soon-to-be-the-broom's head is not in the picture
- Nor are the hopefully-soon-to-be-the-bride's chest and head
- She may have serious knee problems
reply- The anxious question is :"Will you ..."
- He is holding an open ring box containing an engagement ring (1ct. diamond)
- The hopefully-soon-to-be-the-broom's head is not in the picture
- Nor are the hopefully-soon-to-be-the-bride's chest and head
- She may have serious knee problems
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Saw it immediately - probably because I experienced the same not so long sgo :)
replyI aciedntly left this tab open while i did smth else and now it says it took me 7 hours to do it☠