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Japanese crossword «Melted Snowman»

Size: 25x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:14.01.23Author: mindscrub

Ageleni (15 January 2023, 0:15) complain
This series is growing dark.
DWAGS (15 January 2023, 0:16) complain
I love it. Have really been enjoying the current theme.
Tom_Karzes (15 January 2023, 1:10) complain
Very nice - the melting is unmistakable.
Chorton (15 January 2023, 2:23) complain
Really tricky!
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (15 January 2023, 2:45) complain
Still smiling.
gremio (15 January 2023, 3:12) complain
Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,
but put me in summer and I'll be a ...
NancyUK (15 January 2023, 6:22) complain
Ha ha ha! Love it, thanks!
show: 1 🗨
NancyUK (15 January 2023, 6:23) complain
PS I was wondering whether that grid shape meant the idea had got too hot ….!
GulfCoastGuppy (15 January 2023, 6:36) complain
Super cute!
The-Nono-Gram (15 January 2023, 8:10) complain
This took forever, but I managed no Xs.
Maburg (15 January 2023, 11:33) complain
Ha ha! It's impressive, very well done!
Mik_Mel (15 January 2023, 14:41) complain
Poor fellow!
wisekaren (15 January 2023, 17:25) complain
Darn that January thaw! It was inevitable...
Nonoglawm (15 January 2023, 18:17) complain
Oof. That took me some time lol. [For personal reference: 23:41 mins]
Zirinovskis (15 January 2023, 20:28) complain
Hmm... a bit early. I would expect this in March. Unless this is a global climate change commentary
NevilleJ (15 January 2023, 23:01) complain
Brillant! Although In 50 years we will be saying "Snow, eh? Remember that?"
show: 3 🗨
Author mindscrub (15 January 2023, 23:11) complain
50? How about already? We haven't had any snow here this year where I am in the Northeast, and most years we don't get any. We used to get a few feet per year. In 2011, the shoveled snow from several storms was taller than me.
show: 2 🗨
brumeux77 (21 January 2023, 4:11) complain
So true. But at my age and with my cardiac history I'm not permitted to shovel, so it's just as well.
Celandine (1 August 2024, 15:55) complain
We had lots of snow that year here in Greater Philadelphia and my husband had sciatica, so I did a lot of shoveling. Good thing I was still young enough to handle it (50). I miss snow! But what I really hate is the miserable long hot summers. I'm thankful for AC.
NoAlias2 (16 January 2023, 3:42) complain
If you really squint really hard, it could be Picasso's cow, facing right, wearing a jaunty black cap, with a saguaro cactus in the background right and a bush in the background left. I need to get better sleep...
aldur17 (16 January 2023, 13:17) complain
fantasmita1515 (19 January 2023, 5:48) complain
very funny picture, didn´t figure that one until i saw the tittle
brumeux77 (21 January 2023, 4:10) complain
It was inevitable that we'd get here.
Dodiad (15 February 2023, 4:03) complain
Seeing the snowman standing all alone
In dusk and cold is more than he can bear.
The small boy weeps to hear the wind prepare
A night of gnashings and enormous moan.

His tearful sight can hardly reach to where
The pale-faced figure with bitumen eyes
Returns him such a God-forsaken stare
As outcast Adam gave to paradise.

The man of snow is, nonetheless, content,
Having no wish to go inside and die.
Still, he is moved to see the youngster cry.
Though frozen water is his element,

He melts enough to drop from one soft eye
A trickle of the purest rain, a tear
For the child at the bright pane surrounded by
Such warmth, such light, such love, and so much fear.

—Richard Wilbur, “Boy at the Window”
show: 1 🗨
kate1007 (2 August 2023, 21:35) complain
Dans la nuit de l’hiver Galope un grand homme blanc Galope un grand homme blanc
C’est un bonhomme de neige Avec une pipe en bois
Un grand bonhomme de neige Poursuivi par le froid.
Il arrive au village
Il arrive au village Voyant de la lumière Le voilà rassuré.
Dans une petite maison
Il entre sans frapper Dans une petite maison
Il entre sans frapper,
Et pour se réchauffer
Et pour se réchauffer S’assoit sur le poêle rouge Et d’un coup disparaît
Ne laissant que sa pipe Au milieu d’une flaque d’eau Ne laissant que sa pipe
Et puis son vieux chapeau ...
Ahahanita (17 March 2023, 11:00) complain
Until the end I thought it was gonna be a chinese dragon
emiko_o (11 May 2023, 0:31) complain
aww noo
tphile (24 November 2023, 13:44) complain
I got seriously stuck in the middle of this one—a very satisfying puzzle, however, to work through.

Thank you.
mmagnus (15 August 2024, 7:45) complain
He's very charming and doesn't seem at all dismayed about his condition.
juliadesigns (17 November 2024, 6:11) complain
I love to build them, and am always sorry to see them go...
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