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Japanese crossword «WALL·E»

Size: 36x36Picture:8/10Difficulty:7/10Added:10.01.23Author: Termit

hannahd (11 January 2023, 5:38) complain
took me waaay longer than id like to admit
show: 1 🗨
Onono (10 December 2023, 0:41) complain
Go ahead, admit it. It took all of us a long time.
mich1968 (11 January 2023, 10:01) complain
It took quite a bit of time do this nonogram.
kizenrai (11 January 2023, 22:09) complain
It's a cutie, that's what!! I love how this looks, it'd be awesome to see more in this vein :D
Risus_Khan (12 January 2023, 7:34) complain
I had to use crosses to finish this, so without crosses its hard to finish.
At least its worth!!!
wisekaren (12 January 2023, 16:00) complain
OMG, not only did I need Xs, but I had to take a hint! And that was after struggling for a long time and using every bit of logic I could come up with. Thanks for this challenge!
Lyman_Zerga (15 January 2023, 4:07) complain
A grateful subject. I wonder how his children would look like if he married Eve.
Code_Master (18 January 2023, 18:18) complain
Wow, that was hard and I needed a hint. I know what the image was from the bottom left tread though.
9thgrs (14 March 2023, 11:14) complain
impossible for me with no Xs. TY author
Specky1 (23 November 2023, 14:08) complain
Phew ☺
Kalou (22 January 2024, 19:53) complain
No hint, but very difficult and interesting, thank's
smkim000 (9 August 2024, 4:47) complain
I respect you guys talking about no Xs. That's simply out of the question for me, especially for so difficult puzzles like this.
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