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Japanese crossword «Depression»

Size: 42x36Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:29.12.22Author: MrWonderful

Author MrWonderful (30 December 2022, 7:05) complain
If this is you, you're not alone. Please, talk to someone.
show: 3 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (31 December 2022, 4:27) complain
I would add, talk to someone who cares because no matter how it seems no one is ever alone enough that they are without someone who cares. You might just find that someone is just waiting to listen.
lilymoth (9 January 2023, 2:23) complain
this comment literally made me tear up, i'm going through a rough patch right now and this actually helps. thanks so much, mr wonderful. truly living up to your name <3
show: 1 🗨
Author MrWonderful (9 January 2023, 20:37) complain
"When the wind fills the sky the clouds will move aside
And there will be the road to all our dreams
For any day that stings, two better days it brings
Nothing is as bad as it seems"

--Joey Demaio, David L. Shankle
Equus (30 December 2022, 16:01) complain
Good effort, but what is it supposed to be?
show: 1 🗨
Author MrWonderful (31 December 2022, 2:13) complain
Someone sitting under a tree on a cloudy day.
naomiandtom (31 December 2022, 1:35) complain
Wow, this is making me feel depressed.
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