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Japanese crossword «Neko»

Size: 46x91Picture:7/10Difficulty:6/10Added:02.12.22Author: Jevk

bisondele (3 December 2022, 2:49) complain
i took a peek at the answer and am so glad i did not waste my time finishing this degenerate filth!!!
show: 1 🗨
grubbo (24 October 2024, 18:18) complain
+1 imho
fqirytqles (3 December 2022, 23:07) complain
This almost turned me off puzzling. Too much counting. Good pic though!
smeuse (4 December 2022, 0:42) complain
Not peeking, but seeing the comment, and being a woman with a reasonable tolerance for degenerate filth, I completed the puzzle, and find it EXCELLENT.

There may be some underlying degenerate pop-cultural reference that I don't get, or the comment may have been tongue-in-cheek for all I know.

But I, for one, welcome this EXCELLENT new artist!
show: 1 🗨
Author Jevk (4 December 2022, 3:10) complain
I bet all they meant was "Anime = Sinful" or something. Also, glad you liked it! Appreciate the feedback by the way!
tbturker (9 February 2023, 11:38) complain
It was a very pleasant puzzle. I really enjoyed solving this one. Thanks Jevk. Expecting to see more puzzles from you.
magicalguurl (22 February 2023, 17:17) complain
I really enjoying solve your puzzles
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