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Japanese crossword «Two trees»

Size: 25x25Picture:6/10Difficulty:5/10Added:08.11.22Author: NapA

Janet (9 November 2022, 7:35) complain
Thank you :))
andy11 (9 November 2022, 11:11) complain
Just twigged it, difficult to do.
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John_Robertshaw (9 November 2022, 15:19) complain
Leave it out!
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The-Nono-Gram (10 November 2022, 0:48) complain
I'm not falling for that one!
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msat (11 November 2022, 10:53) complain
Do I detect a hint of winter there? Speaking of which, I needed a hint. :(
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (9 November 2022, 12:50) complain
Eerie - nice job.
Maburg (9 November 2022, 14:42) complain
Hand to hand.
romuloescamilla (9 November 2022, 19:50) complain
I had to use one hint, and it's been the must justified hint I've ever used for a nonogram. nice picture!
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The-Nono-Gram (10 November 2022, 0:47) complain
I had to bite the bullet and use Xs.
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romuloescamilla (10 November 2022, 17:22) complain
hey, I don't even try solving without Xs... I like small nonograms, 35x35 max, with Xs, as short breaks from my workday. solving without Xs would increase my times too much. But I respect the ones who do!
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msat (11 November 2022, 10:51) complain
Yes, what romuloescamilla says, although I will do mediums on occasion, especially if they are less than 35 tall (or are one of mindscrub's big ones).
Scooter (13 November 2022, 16:06) complain
So when you say Xs vs. no Xs, are you using no Xs at all, not even auto-filled? Hats off to you if you do! I generally do puzzles with auto-filled only, so I guess that’s “cheating”? ;-). I do find it oddly satisfying to watch the Xs zip across the puzzle.
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The-Nono-Gram (13 November 2022, 20:19) complain
Let me clarify. I do allow the auto-fill. I am with you on the odd satisfaction of watching the fill-in.
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Scooter (13 November 2022, 23:38) complain
Thanks! I wasn't sure if i was worthy of the "No X" claim. I did come across one person on this site who solves puzzles in the negative, i.e., only fills in Xs. I tried it with an easy Tiny puzzle and seriously cramped my brain, but did succeed in the end.
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The-Nono-Gram (14 November 2022, 3:30) complain
I did it once.
Sandrabulando (18 November 2022, 19:34) complain
The x getting auto filled is one the best things of making nonograms. It is like Maxwell Smart having the doors opening for him.
Mik_Mel (11 November 2022, 22:12) complain
A kind of Mandelbrot set.
jan626345 (12 November 2022, 17:56) complain
Requires some guesswork
Jdolfin17 (24 May 2023, 17:25) complain
needed to use a hint but fun to solve. Though I don't see trees. :(
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