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Japanese crossword «De Bussy»

Size: 55x75Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:13.02.16Author: LUPO

prusky3754 (14 October 2020, 7:32) complain
Very handsome.
bjmgeek (28 December 2020, 20:38) complain
Imagine an actor saying the following:
Imagine me saying the following:

When Debussy died on March the 25, 1918 in Paris, it was being bombarded by the Germans, and it was raining.
show: 1 🗨
xowl (21 February 2022, 4:39) complain
Now I have to put that album on and hear the whole thing again :-)
xowl (21 February 2022, 4:38) complain
From the hair, I first thought it was going to be James Brown, then the eyes made me think Beethoven. I had never thought of their hair as similar, but I guess it actually is. When the facial hair came in I thought of Anthony Ainley (from 1970s Dr Who), but that was highly unlikely.
tbturker (22 May 2024, 14:36) complain
It was fun. Thanks.
redmo2020 (14 October 2024, 1:21) complain
And here I was thinking it was Barry Gibb. ha Ha
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