Japanese crossword «Uncle Luka! Why the disguise? I'll try it!»
Size: 18x16 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 25.09.22 | Author: mindscrub |
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I feel strangely relieved now about the fictional characters in my pixel universe.
replySo I’m wondering … is this 2 authors messing with each other or behind the scenes collaboration? Whatever, I’m really enjoying the 2 stories coming together!
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The first time I see Luka without his hat and boots! They look good on Stacey, though.
Thank goodness he's only her uncle. Luka is so much more dashing and handsome than Stacey. Stacey is just so ugly.
replyНе могу ответить пока лежу в больнице, но скоро выйду и что нибудь придумаем.
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(I can’t answer while I’m in the hospital, but I’ll be out soon and think of something.)
Поскорее поправляйся! (Get well soon!)
replyПоскорее поправляйся! (Get well soon!)
Take care, yec72! We love your puzzles!
всего хорошего
replyвсего хорошего
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I feel like I'm missing something... What's going on?
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The puzzle was challenging (and spiced with some technical issues) but now I'm curious who these Stacey and Uncle Luka are. Google wasn't really helpful.
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They only exist in nonograms. Luka has been around quite a while, courtesy of yec72; Stacey is a relative newcomer introduced by mindscrub. Luka has had just about every conceivable job and participated in every conceivable sport, and occasionally interacts with his granny. He can always be recognized by his boots and his hat (4 pixels over 5) although Stacey seems to have appropriated them here.
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