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Japanese crossword «Elephant»

Size: 23x18Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:22.08.22Author: mindscrub

Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 0:14) complain
This is my 500th nonogram! Anyone who finishes all 500 will get a perfect completion award if they let me know.
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marina_v (23 August 2022, 0:35) complain
Congratulations to you!!!
Probably congrats to me too. I will be awaiting my award in a form of new puzzles.
Thank you for your contribution to this site.
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 7:00) complain
Probably? You can easily check if you've done all of mine by clicking on my name, my added crossword count, clicking hide solved crosswords, and then Search.
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marina_v (23 August 2022, 7:38) complain
Thanks for the info. I haven't noticed that in the search area. I'm short with 22 color puzzles. I will do them for sure. However, I'm not sure how I'll refrain from doing the award puzzle by that time (-‿◦)
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 17:57) complain
22 -- that's very close, congrats! Go ahead and take the award early, I trust you!
msat (23 August 2022, 0:59) complain
Thanks for all you've contributed to this site! I've done all but four, two of which I gave up on because it was just too much counting and scrolling, and I doubt I'll end up doing them, but maybe...
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 6:58) complain
So close! You can do it, I know you can! It's best if you keep up, then you won't have them hanging over your head.
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msat (23 August 2022, 7:16) complain
Well... I have three left now! It's just that my eyesight isn't all that great, and I make a lot of mistakes like marking the row or column next to the one I intended to. I'm not sure why I torment myself with them... I do appreciate your consistency. Alas, we haven't seen Leo Ponchik for a week now, so your puzzles are even more welcome.
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 19:53) complain
If you have two monitors, you can open the puzzle twice and use one as your guide. If you don't have two monitors, you can take a snap shot of the top clues and refer to that. Both those methods make the pain easier. If you are on your phone, I don't know how you do that to begin with. :D
Tom_Karzes (23 August 2022, 3:44) complain
I've finished all 500. You can award me now.
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 6:54) complain
Ah, we have a winner! Congratulations, I knew somebody would come through. Now, that said, I hope you aren't hoping for a new car... What I have for you is a nonogram of a perfect completion award that the moderators refused to publish. You'll have to print it out and do it by hand, or maybe fill it in with Paint. It should come up in full res if you click on it. All others should refrain from doing this nonogram until they have finished my first 500.
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 18:19) complain
Wow, outstanding! Now I can provide links to other puzzles this site refused! I will provide these from time to time in comments to my new puzzles. And thanks for the link to Simon's puzzle collection, it looks amazing!
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 19:48) complain
What a novel idea!!
The-Nono-Gram (1 September 2022, 2:59) complain
I did this in paint and until Mr. Wonderful said zoom out, I was very loudly saying WTF! :D
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Author mindscrub (1 September 2022, 19:38) complain
Ha ha!
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 19:54) complain
Congratulations! What an accomplishment!
3strikesurout (23 August 2022, 3:45) complain
It will be a while before I get to all of yours, but I will get there.
Ageleni (23 August 2022, 5:20) complain
Great job! I actually have been working my way through your old ones (with no incentive in mind other than that I like your puzzles), and I always like getting on in the evening and finding your latest.
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The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 6:37) complain
The scrolling ones are killing me. I can't manage more than 1 or 2 at a time before I am mindscrubbed.
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Ageleni (24 August 2022, 5:33) complain
I have had to skip a couple of those. I will need to save them for when I have a LOT of time!
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The-Nono-Gram (24 August 2022, 7:09) complain
It usually takes me all day working off and on. But, WELL worth it.
Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 7:04) complain
Thanks, and thanks for looking back on my catalog. I have been trying lately to get at least one new puzzle up per day... I can't say how long I can keep that up; it is hard to get ideas. And thanks for noticing that this puzzle has some negative space stylizing!
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The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 19:53) complain
Your effort to give us one a day has not gone unnoticed.
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2022, 6:35) complain
I have 14 left to go!
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 7:01) complain
There you go, keep chipping away! Having done them all myself, I know some are a bit painful, but I try to make them all worth it.
bisondele (24 August 2022, 12:38) complain
And hopefully your last
Lens (24 August 2022, 23:33) complain
And thank you for all your efforts!
Puzzled (23 August 2022, 2:31) complain
I agree with the replies to the author. Your work here is appreciated and enjoyable.
Ageleni (23 August 2022, 5:22) complain
Very interesting perspective and stylized shading here. Almost a quasi-negative image, where the object is black but the shadows are white.
Chorton (23 August 2022, 14:01) complain
I have a fair few to go and they are all colour!!! I don't do many of those..but Ok I will complete them!
Sandrabulando (23 August 2022, 14:26) complain
QueenCC (23 August 2022, 16:44) complain
Visually brilliant! Thanks for all the puzzles you create.
Little_H (23 August 2022, 18:06) complain
Challenge accepted! 300 to go - how did I miss all of these??
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 19:07) complain
Thanks! That is a great question. If you do all nonograms up to 20x20, then you will have missed 341 of mine. If you look for those 20 or less in either dimension, as shown below, you will only miss 122. And I have only ever done 12 puzzles that are bigger than 30 in both dimensions. If you look further, you will notice that I do a lot of very skinny puzzles, which are easy to do, too. In fact, I've made the majority of very skinny puzzles.

Width Height Mine All % Mine
0-20 x 0-20 159 5902 2.7%
0-20 x 21-200 121 2523 4.8%
21-200 x 0-20 98 2425 4.0%
21-200 x 26-200 122 36330 0.3%
Total 500 47180

0-20 x 46-200 26 48 54%
46-200 x 0-20 19 54 35%

0-25 x 100-200 9 10 90%
100-200 x 0-25 5 6 83%
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Author mindscrub (23 August 2022, 19:08) complain
Click on pic for correct formatting.
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Little_H (6 October 2022, 12:25) complain
Against an ever increasing target I finally completed all 555 of your puzzles.
Thank you so much for all your contributions and looking forward to the next 500 :-)
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Author mindscrub (6 October 2022, 17:08) complain
Great job! And yes, it increased quite a bit, too! I don't know if I can promise another 500... every month it seems like I am almost completely out of ideas. But we will see.
GulfCoastGuppy (23 August 2022, 19:52) complain
Great picture as always! I'm taking the challenge...144 to go. A lot of catching up with 8 grandkids here this summer!
JLB (24 August 2022, 3:49) complain
Thank you mindscrub for your originality, eccentricity and vision. I've done all your puzzles and greatly appreciate them. Appreciate you. Think my favorite (though yeah so hard to choose) was the twisted pencil. Always wondered how you ever came up with that one.
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Author mindscrub (24 August 2022, 20:47) complain
Another winner, congratulations! I'm glad you liked them. I liked the twisted pencil, too, one of my better color efforts. The idea was simple -- a tall, skinny, perfectly straight pencil, color matched exactly to a standard pencil. It was rejected automatically for being too easy (what the server calls "all coloring, nothing to solve"). So I slanted it a bit and the moderators rejected it. I can't say I blame them; it wasn't that exciting. But I hated to give up that easily since I had gone to considerable effort by then, and I remembered that they used to sell pencils tied in knots; it is a real thing. Sometimes the path to a good puzzle is twisted!
Neevoh (25 August 2022, 0:33) complain
I created a login (previously just played in the browser without saving) to say I always enjoy your puzzles and congrats on the milestone.
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Author mindscrub (31 August 2022, 22:03) complain
Thanks for doing that, and I appreciate the feedback!
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GulfCoastGuppy (10 September 2022, 3:47) complain
Finally completed all 500 (plus 18 newest)! Thanks for the challenge and the fantastic puzzles!
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Author mindscrub (10 September 2022, 18:14) complain
Great job! And thanks for all the support!
Petuni (26 August 2022, 1:24) complain
I only found this site about a month ago so i have a long way to go.
Mathmama (28 August 2022, 9:26) complain
I don’t like the colors, but I’ve done 140 of your black and whites. I’ll work on the rest of those!
The-Nono-Gram (1 September 2022, 0:16) complain
Finally! I have done them all to date, now!
Celandine (3 June 2024, 15:36) complain
I'm pleased that I was able to do this one without xs, though it came at the cost of taking three times as long as the mean time. Good picture! I really appreciate your puzzles, mindscrub. Thank you so much! But I'm not going to try to do them all because I don't have time to do the bigger ones. It could be argued that I spend too much time on nonograms as it is.
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