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Japanese crossword «Then the herons called»

Size: 70x80Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:17.08.22Author: bird-fenix

VergZi (25 August 2022, 16:12) complain
Kinda hard. Not 5 stars, but harder than most of the 4 stars ones. Love myself a challenge.
tbturker (31 August 2022, 16:23) complain
It was another hard to solve puzzle.
robi80 (12 December 2022, 20:14) complain
alpererhan (26 January 2024, 18:09) complain
I've been solving nonograms for years, this was the hardest puzzle i've ever solved. Period. Picture was not great (I don't even know what i'm looking at). But the puzzle itself was crazy. I used hints for the first time.

Thanks for it.
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