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Japanese crossword «Animal Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Size: 80x65Picture:6/10Difficulty:8/10Added:16.08.22Author: bird-fenix

tbturker (27 August 2022, 13:33) complain
Well... I can't say that I enjoyed solving this puzzle.
Anyway, thanks for the effort.
sallyannlady (29 August 2022, 4:42) complain
I don't really understand it, but it was interesting.
xowl (29 September 2022, 13:14) complain
I enjoyed solving it, personally. I also have no clue what the piture is or means and the title doesn't help, but I enjoyed solving it.
robi80 (22 December 2022, 4:43) complain
OK puzzle, the picture is a chaos.
Ali27 (28 January 2024, 22:54) complain
i've enjoyed to solve this very much!thank you
poopoo (21 November 2024, 20:26) complain
I enjoyed it, the ending was very satisfying for me :D
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