Japanese crossword «Street cleaner»
Size: 20x20 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 14.08.22 | Author: nonopops |
I'd like to pay a compliment for the picture, but I'm out of ideas. Maybe later.
replyAs someone who is rarely lost for words - I'm lost for words!
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I can't make out the image, but it was a good exercise for me as I'm learning how to solve without X's!
In thumbnail, I can see it - on the right is a small slice of the street sweeper person, holding the rake (center of pic) and the abutting lawn on the left.
I was determined to figure it out without looking at the title - but I was defeated and then delighted - love both the idea and the perspective.
replyEven with the great comments above, I'm still wondering what the upper left side is.
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Couldn't see it until I read the title. Nice perspective!