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Japanese crossword «Ankylosaurus»

Size: 25x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:24.07.22Author: LeoPonchik

John_Robertshaw (25 July 2022, 11:47) complain
Ankylosaurus - how very apt!!!

I am doing this with a very sore ankle - gout runs in the family. And before I get comments both my maternal grandmother & aunt were teetotallers.
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Chorton (25 July 2022, 13:40) complain
I thought it was a hiposaurus..I suffer from this.
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John_Robertshaw (25 July 2022, 14:27) complain
You should not have replied as I have to come back at you:
It could have been
a hiposaurus
a kneeosaurus
a toeosaurus
a family of fingerosaurus (can't work the plural out)
& thinking of TNG - she is the cause of my neckosaurus!
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The-Nono-Gram (25 July 2022, 23:19) complain
I think you meant assosaurus.
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John_Robertshaw (25 July 2022, 23:57) complain
I did indeed - just too polite to type it!
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The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2022, 0:52) complain
OK, I am not buying what you are selling. You did not think of it because you are NOT too polite to type anything.
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Chorton (26 July 2022, 1:50) complain
Ha Ha!
The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2022, 2:14) complain
OK I know that you know that I meant that you are not too polite to NOT type anything. How do I know that you know? Because lately, much to your chagrin, we have been reading each others minds. :D
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John_Robertshaw (26 July 2022, 14:06) complain
You and mindscrub!

If you want a laugh see his "Man on crutches"
The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2022, 5:08) complain
I hear bee venom is an effective therapy.
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John_Robertshaw (26 July 2022, 14:12) complain
The pain from bee venom would be a walk in the park after gout pain.

Dr said it is the worst pain in the known world!

And you women moan about labour pain!
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The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2022, 19:39) complain
Although I do not suffer from gout, I know a few who do and have been told how horrible it is. And, I only pull out the labor card teasingly when I am trying to manipulate my offspring...I start with the 9 months carrying you and then lay it on thick. They know I am teasing and remind me that I told them when they became adults they could do what they wanted to...and they certainly have.
The-Nono-Gram (26 July 2022, 20:22) complain
All kidding aside, this is a great representation of the subject.
Lens (29 July 2022, 3:51) complain
Stunning representation. Well done!
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (24 April 2023, 22:28) complain
Amazed I managed without Xs. Thanks for a great puzzle!
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Celandine (20 May 2024, 17:19) complain
Me, too!
Celandine (20 May 2024, 17:20) complain
Great picture, fun to solve. Thanks, LeoPonchik!
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Celandine (20 May 2024, 17:20) complain
Thought it might be swiss cheese at first
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