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Japanese crossword «Vladimir Basov (Duremar)»

Size: 31x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:5/10Added:20.06.22Author: Gor_WM

Chorton (21 June 2022, 5:02) complain
OK I googled him and its weird hat he is wearing!
show: 1 🗨
monsignor (21 June 2022, 8:37) complain
Before I finished the face, I was all but certain it was William H Bonney (AKA Billy the Kid), because the hat looks like the same hat in that infamous photo that is allegedly the only know photograph of Billy the Kid.

But after googling this guy, that is a very different hat. Looks like an oven mitt on his head, lol.
Sandrabulando (18 April 2024, 22:47) complain
Mira aixó, una barretina catalana, sí senyor!
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