Japanese crossword «Star»
Size: 28x30 | Picture:![]() | Difficulty:![]() | Added: | 18.06.22 | Author: mindscrub |
I didn't find it as tricky as the others have said. It took some thought, but it was never maddeningly hard at any point.
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Maybe not maddeningly, but I ran out of moves a number of times in the early going and had to look again all over to find anything at all.
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I found it about average difficulty for the size. A couple seconds longer than 15 minutes to complete, and each one of them enjoyable. I don't do many artists' larger puzzles because the increased time commitment rarely translates into an image that is proportionately better than something smaller and faster. But I always do mindscrub's puzzles regardless of their size. I know going in that I'm going to get either a thoughtfully crafted puzzle or an excellent image. Often both. The 3-star difficulty for this one is a little inflated, likely because of the size.
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I definitely got stuck a few times and had to math my way out of it. Well done!