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Japanese crossword «Giuseppe Cristiano - Pin Up #1»

Size: 45x45Picture:7/10Difficulty:5/10Added:02.06.22Author: Eric_Windeman

nataliecv (3 June 2022, 20:10) complain
thank you
kerwincormier (4 June 2022, 1:39) complain
Really cool! Unique perspective, very artsy!
wisekaren (4 June 2022, 15:46) complain
Clever. Couldn't see it until I squinted at the thumbnail! If anyone is nervous about trying a bigger puzzle, this is a good starter. It's much easier than it looks!
smeuse (5 June 2022, 0:07) complain
Oh, my... FANTASTIC image. I had no idea until I finished and backed away from it... EXCELLENT work.
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