Japanese crossword «Aport»
Size: 20x20 | Picture: | Difficulty: | Added: | 06.04.22 | Author: NapA |
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Oh I think I get it now on looking at the thumbnail!!! Carrying!!!
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You are gonna have to explain what you see. I don't get it.
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Dog carrying a bone...therefore Aport must mean carrying
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It seems that an object that dogs fetch and carry in dog sports is called an aport -- at least in stock photos. I couldn't find any images other than in stock photos! https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/dog-wooden-aport-mouth-on-white-227034493
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Seems that in some languages, it's a command for fetch: https://leerburg.com/commands.htm
I clearly see the dig carrying the bone, could it mean “to bring”?
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I liked how the bottom of the puzzle worked out.
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