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Japanese crossword «Sitting cat»

Size: 11x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:3/10Added:29.03.22Author: anikina2021

GulfCoastGuppy (30 March 2022, 1:39) complain
With earrings? Cute!
show: 2 🗨
andrea77 (30 March 2022, 3:01) complain
or whiskers? I love the view from behind.
The-Nono-Gram (30 March 2022, 4:53) complain
Rat paws?
IziEzi (11 April 2022, 12:52) complain
So cute, thank you
Fulminis (13 April 2022, 1:35) complain
This is the first black-and-white puzzle I've tried, though I've done a lot of color ones. I found it really hard - probably just because I'm used to using the different colors. It's interesting how people used to black-and-white puzzles find color puzzles hard, and people used to color puzzles find black-and white hard. I guess it's just easier to do what you're used to.
show: 1 🗨
Ruruskadoo (20 April 2022, 7:49) complain
I don't know if I'd call it hard, but I learned black and white first, and I prefer them.

Colored puzzles often prioritize making a pretty picture over a fun puzzle, so they can be tedious and have many similar colors, which are very boring with lots of alternating 1s and frustrating to solve trying not to mix up close colors.

The difficulty with black and white puzzles comes from having to use logic to solve, not distinguishing between 3 nearly identical reds.
jmc338 (6 September 2022, 12:50) complain
Nikki3851 (16 July 2023, 8:24) complain
What's he scanning?
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