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Japanese crossword «Heart with roses»

Size: 55x49Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:18.03.22Author: anikina2021

wisekaren (19 March 2022, 18:18) complain
FANTASTIC! Lovely image and fun to solve - easy enough at first, and then VERY tricky to finish up.
Philonius (19 March 2022, 20:19) complain
Superb puzzle and image! Very tricky but feel proud to complete it! Thank you
smeuse (20 March 2022, 3:24) complain
Hard work, but worth it!
xowl (21 March 2022, 9:52) complain
Extremely hard without guesses or hints, which is not a criticism at all, just an observation and might be useful to people considering whether to work on this one. I enjoyed it, but I am happy to use a few guesses or hints if I feel like it.
9thgrs (7 June 2023, 22:08) complain
this is so doable w/o hints. Except of course if you stop counting. Like I did. TY author
Lyman_Zerga (24 July 2023, 12:59) complain
It felt like being punished. Very agonizing to solve, but I loved it <3
Robert1879 (8 January 2024, 0:38) complain
Nice difficulty
Ali27 (18 April 2024, 19:02) complain
Funny and tricky
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