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Japanese crossword «Jug»

Size: 24x26Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:14.03.22Author: seans

The-Nono-Gram (15 March 2022, 8:42) complain
I thought it was a percolator; which BTW, makes the best coffee. (OK punctuation people, did I get that correct?)
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andy11 (15 March 2022, 9:42) complain
Ewer a better at grammar than me!
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The-Nono-Gram (15 March 2022, 9:48) complain
Avoiding run on sentences is quite tricky for me. So many words, so little time.
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msat (15 March 2022, 12:45) complain
I'm a punctuation person, and you didn't get it right. (You asked.) ;-)
"I thought it was a percolator, which, BTW, makes the best coffee." You could remove the comma after percolator, but I wouldn't. If this were anything important, and I were editing, I'd suggest the following: "I thought it was a percolator. BTW, it makes the best coffee."
Now, John Robertshaw would put the period at the end of my correction after the closing quotation mark, and I'd say the Brits really have that right, but it would be wrong in North America. Punctuation is weird.
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msat (15 March 2022, 12:50) complain
Having said all that, I think setting up a percolator for one cup of coffee isn't worth it, and I'm quite happy with my little single cup filter. And now I want a cup, but it's time -- actually way past time -- for bed.
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msat (15 March 2022, 12:51) complain
Dang it. I thought I had put the spoiler on. Oh, well. It doesn't really give anything away.
Maburg (26 May 2022, 8:04) complain
If you want a cup, take it! (You didn't say "cup of coffee") you can sleep with it. :)
msat (15 March 2022, 12:54) complain
I'm not tea sing, btw, although I'm really mo' cunning when I've had a cuppa. Water you thinking?
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torwul (15 March 2022, 16:05) complain
The-Nono-Gram (15 March 2022, 21:01) complain
See, that's why I asked. I tend to be a comma over-user among other punctuation misuse. I appreciate the help.
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QueenCC (16 March 2022, 2:36) complain
I thought it was a percolator; which BTW, makes the best coffee.
English Teacher comment:
I thought it was a percolator, which, BTW, makes the best coffee. (BTW is a participle phrase, and thus has commas on either side.)
- OR - I thought it was a percolator. That makes the best coffee. ("That" is the subject in the second example.)
"I thought it was a percolator. BTW, it makes the best coffee." This is also acceptable.
All that to say that current grammarian thought is to remove as many commas as possible. The adage is, "if you have to breathe to emphasize it specifically, put a comma in. Otherwise, don't." Yes, now it okay to end a sentence in a preposition.
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QueenCC (16 March 2022, 6:04) complain
I must be tired. BTW is a prepositional phrase.
Last line should read, "Yes, now it's okay ...
John_Robertshaw (26 June 2023, 15:48) complain
Just: how wrong you be!""

John Robertshaw would not do that, ever!

John Robertshaw's punctuation toolbox does not contain a "period".

We use the full stop.
brumeux77 (23 March 2022, 1:11) complain
Punctuation should be a guide to pronunciation, so it really depends on how you would speak that sentence. For instance -- which, BTW -- while correct, would be spoken differently from -- which BTW -- . So if you're saying -- which BTW -- the comma would be misleading.
GulfCoastGuppy (15 March 2022, 16:04) complain
And just when I was thinking I needed to see another teapot :p!
Maburg (26 May 2022, 8:18) complain
Oh! Excuse me you all, please. I enter in a grammar site, I thought it was the monogram site.
I am doing too much bad jokes today, right?
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Maburg (26 May 2022, 8:19) complain
I'll better go to sleep.
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