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Русский English

Japanese crossword «Rebus (in Russian)»

Size: 30x10Picture:6/10Difficulty:3/10Added:22.01.22Author: Dilares

The-Nono-Gram (22 January 2022, 23:59) complain
Please respond to this when you have solved it.
show: 7 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (23 January 2022, 0:35) complain
I'm guessing TIGER. T plus I (in english looks like a backwards N) plus гриб (mushroom in english) minus the last two russian letters = тигр = tiger in english
show: 6 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (23 January 2022, 1:04) complain
I had the T and mushroom, but never could have gotten there. Thanks!
show: 3 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (23 January 2022, 2:42) complain
The wikipedia site for the Russian alphabet is very helpful with near English equivalents. Plus the ability to copy and paste each rebus part in Russian onto a notepad or google, then translate to english...hoping it is an actual word LOL.

show: 2 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (23 January 2022, 3:42) complain
Thanks, I bookmarked that page.
torwul (23 January 2022, 20:01) complain
Very clever GulfCoastGuppy, very clever.
Grammer (14 September 2022, 13:05) complain
I'm wondering how the final symbols come to mean 'remove the last two letters' -- would that be obvious to Russian speakers?
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GulfCoastGuppy (14 September 2022, 18:20) complain
I think yes it would be obvious but to ALL solvers of difficult rebus puzzles. Simpler ones (in English) would just use the minus sign and a letter or picture to indicate what to drop. The apostrophe is definitely a rule to rebus solving :)
deuteronimus (23 January 2022, 12:23) complain
torwul (23 January 2022, 20:02) complain
Nice little puzzle, not too hard to solve.
flan43 (2 February 2022, 21:36) complain
nice. i wud do another from u
travelmom (24 October 2023, 18:44) complain
It is always an extra challenge to do a puzzle that is "word" heavy with so many languages represented by the solvers as well as designers of this page. I admit I do not always recognize the puzzle HOWEVER I do find purpose in 1) practice in the simple math required to complete any puzzle and 2) the learning of different culture references. Thank You.
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