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Japanese crossword «Bookshelf»

Size: 25x25Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:16.01.22Author: Ol_Ga

Janet (17 January 2022, 0:15) complain
Thank you :))
Chorton (17 January 2022, 1:54) complain
Nice one!
The-Nono-Gram (17 January 2022, 2:52) complain
I own too many of these to count...all full. My plan is to live long enough to see them empty.
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msat (17 January 2022, 3:26) complain
If you're anything like me, that would mean you're going to live forever. They seem to have an ability to regenerate their population.
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The-Nono-Gram (17 January 2022, 3:45) complain
Every year my New Year's Resolution is none this year. So, I ordered a 28 book series a couple of days ago.
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QueenCC (17 January 2022, 7:25) complain
I've tried Kindle books, but I like the feel of the book in my hand, the swish of the pages as they turn. We bought 3 shelves of books at a computer auction, only to find that they had put ALL the books in the 3 shelf area. We ended up with 360+ books. Now, we're trying to find homes for them all! Whew!
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The-Nono-Gram (17 January 2022, 9:16) complain
I 100% agree about the Kindle. I have over 200 on there and never touch it. Mine all get new a home after I read them. My daughter now has 10 boxes. She is saving them in case the world ends and she can't get audio books.
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Sandrabulando (17 January 2022, 13:22) complain
I bought a Kindle to travel. I took it everywhere and never opened it…. went back to carrying extra weight…
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The-Nono-Gram (17 January 2022, 21:59) complain
Plus you always have to pay full price for a Kindle. Real books can be had just about anywhere used for a song.
romuloescamilla (17 January 2022, 22:36) complain
I've finally found my tribe... my wife gave me the Kindle as a christmas gift for my trips... I have 2 books on it, and a few hundred on my bookshelf
Quasi (17 January 2022, 22:56) complain
I enjoy reading on my Kindle...the only problem is that I mistakenly thought digital books would be cheaper than physical ones!
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Onono (17 January 2022, 23:14) complain
... the shelf in the image seems to be derived from the "$" symbol.
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (18 January 2022, 2:47) complain
They are. But not from the traditional publishers who are trying to keep hardcovers alive. Try some of us indies.
hannahd (17 January 2022, 3:45) complain
cool design!
QueenCC (17 January 2022, 7:27) complain
Loved this puzzle! Great set-up.
Puzzled (17 January 2022, 9:13) complain
I like this. (At first I was wondering if it was some kind of mathematical formula.)
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romuloescamilla (17 January 2022, 22:37) complain
I agree... I thought it was a puzzle by Wrozlaw hahaha
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (18 January 2022, 2:45) complain
As an author, I especially like this one. Very elegant execution.
Al-e (5 March 2025, 12:35) complain
Nice, thank you
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