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Japanese crossword «Tarakanishche (The Monster Cockroach)»

Size: 110x70Picture:7/10Difficulty:8/10Added:25.11.15Author: LUPO

lee41288 (20 April 2016, 20:44) complain
I'll be honest, this picture was NOT worth the effort of this HUGE grid! Even after reading the revealed title, it makes no sense whatsoever.
Fanny_van_os (11 February 2017, 12:42) complain
You have to Google this one to understand te meaning of the drawning. Fun.
malinche (19 July 2018, 1:44) complain
Nice challenge but poor picture
zoeyhp21 (15 November 2020, 6:19) complain
So Cute!
VergZi (11 February 2022, 17:00) complain
Just to go on the opposite direction and to be fair... it is not even close to being hard, but the drawing is actually good.
tbturker (30 May 2022, 11:55) complain
Well, it was too hard for me. I struggled a lot. Frankly speaking, the picture does not worth the effort.
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