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Japanese crossword #50196

Size: 4x4Picture:6/10Difficulty:2/10Added:16.11.21Author: Reegh



Chorton (17 November 2021, 1:09) complain
Really! 0.17 seconds...probably a bit long for this puzzle
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brumeux77 (15 August 2022, 0:48) complain
You make me feel better. I took 11 seconds and felt it should have been half the time.
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picromini (11 February 2023, 17:59) complain
u make me feel better i got 35 sec even tho i think it should be half the time like u do
yayme (19 May 2024, 3:27) complain
John_Robertshaw (11 November 2024, 15:27) complain
Are you joking - a bit long at less than a fifth of a second?

I was much slower than that
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Onono (26 November 2024, 9:35) complain
I can do better than that.
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John_Robertshaw (26 November 2024, 14:41) complain
Amazing - and you got colour into it!
hannahd (17 November 2021, 1:13) complain
.06 :) pretty fun little puzzle
SeventhWave (17 November 2021, 1:18) complain
Hahaha, just adorable! :)
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (17 November 2021, 1:24) complain
My brain went, "Huh!" And got to work.
dontmakemework (17 November 2021, 1:35) complain
Chris11028 (17 November 2021, 2:08) complain
0:00:09 hahaha
sallyannlady (17 November 2021, 6:43) complain
20 secs- too long ... :)
nthpijots (17 November 2021, 8:07) complain
Obviously! :-)
FaithCat (17 November 2021, 18:15) complain
: )
Tnes (17 November 2021, 20:30) complain
00:04 nice and simple
The-Nono-Gram (17 November 2021, 20:39) complain
Q: What’s the opposite of a flamingo?
A: A flamin-stop.
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Author Reegh (17 November 2021, 21:24) complain
haha! I have a sweater with the text flamingos and everyone think it says flaming-o's
UzunBoyluCuce (9 December 2021, 9:56) complain
I think you mean
A Freezin-stop
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The-Nono-Gram (9 December 2021, 20:11) complain
Good catch!
kaiyatuck (17 November 2021, 23:56) complain
Super cute and fun! Had a blast!!
Puzzled (18 November 2021, 5:33) complain
Fun. I enjoy and get satisfaction from doing larger harder puzzles, then enjoy a small fun one or two like this one and up to 15x15 or so. Need more!!

Hey puzzle creators, what if you did the same thing. After you create your larger harder Rembrandt or Picasso masterpieces, you throw in a couple of smaller fun ones??? Just a thought. Thanks Reegh!

Just a thought.
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Xodem0N (18 November 2021, 16:13) complain
This site has filtering and sorting functionality. If you want to solve larger ones and then relax on a small one, just open two tabs in your browser: one with large/medium/XXL/whatever, and the other one with tiny.
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Puzzled (19 November 2021, 5:55) complain
Understood, and I use that function. Still request that more smaller puzzles be created. Have been running out of small, esp Black and White.
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Xodem0N (19 November 2021, 16:02) complain
Agreed. The distribution with regard to puzzle size seems quite non-uniform to me, too.
Xodem0N (19 November 2021, 16:05) complain
That said, are there any special criteria by which puzzles are accepted? I tried to add a small one (like 5x5-ish) of my own a while back, but it got rejected.
3strikesurout (19 November 2021, 4:34) complain
Just when you thought nonograms couldn't get any smaller.
Awesome job, Reegh! It actually does take talent to make something this small look this good!
ati (19 November 2021, 11:58) complain
This was, better than I expected. Thank you.
eggmcmuffinhappyhour (22 November 2021, 22:28) complain
I love this guy!
DeskWarrior (26 November 2021, 18:15) complain
Great for introducing kids to nonograms!
Eve32 (8 December 2021, 16:23) complain
Thought it wa a duck?
Wikipedia (14 January 2022, 17:44) complain
is a gose :D
meegmeeg2 (18 March 2022, 14:02) complain
0:17 nice
tboon (15 June 2022, 18:31) complain
Merl (1 September 2022, 19:00) complain
assassinassassin1 (18 March 2023, 0:07) complain
00:08. It would have been shorter if I could have gotten my head in the game, lol
hnshn (5 July 2023, 12:19) complain
it's clearly a T-Rex guys
pupondastreet (18 April 2024, 5:56) complain
why was this so tricky for me??? 15 seconds.
andy11 (31 May 2024, 0:48) complain
Who would have thought that a little puzzle like this would bring in so many comments.
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