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Japanese crossword «Macaw or Dog?»

Size: 40x45Picture:8/10Difficulty:6/10Added:20.10.21Author: Big_Angry_Wolf

GulfCoastGuppy (21 October 2021, 22:52) complain
Oh WOW! Utterly fantastic! Once I saw one thing I r-e-a-l-l-y had to refocus and train my eyes to see another. Love it!
Mairsybeth (23 October 2021, 0:22) complain
OK...I've tried for a while... See the first right away...still can't see the second.
Farore (29 January 2024, 22:33) complain
To see the dog, try looking at the beak as a panting tongue.
show: 1 🗨
Farore (30 January 2024, 0:04) complain
Oh wait, that bit is actually the ear, and the nose is in the lower-right edge.
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