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Japanese crossword «Philomela and Procna»

Size: 200x120Picture:9/10Difficulty:7/10Added:21.09.21Author: wrozlaw

Onono (22 September 2021, 8:25) complain
Wow. I didn't even try to solve it -- I would need a huge monitor to be able to see what I was doing -- but I'm impressed with the image. From the looks of it, I think it would be easy to get started, but maybe more difficult to complete.
bpcanavar (22 September 2021, 9:51) complain
no need. too large
Noenie (22 September 2021, 16:39) complain
The difficulty is in the size. I liked it, even with the scrolling from left to right all te time *haha*. Cost my more hours to solve then ever before. Was a nice one :)
poing (24 September 2021, 11:44) complain
My mouse needs a new battery. Lots of scrolling, but I'm addicted to the xxl puzzles. Solved it without using the X's, that's therapy for me (or should I go in therapy??) Anyway, thanks very much wrozlaw, it was good for two days of fun!
Lianyf (24 September 2021, 18:06) complain
Wow. Amazing. I loved solving this for 2 days.
GoatUnicorn (25 September 2021, 3:33) complain
I always enjoyed your nonograms the most, so I enjoyed this immensely.
PhillipC (25 September 2021, 9:13) complain
Laverne and Shirley.
Carousel (26 September 2021, 13:52) complain
Hardest I've ever worked and so much fun!
douglasGJ (28 September 2021, 20:05) complain
Y con este termino de jugar a este juego, osea nmmn jajaja estaba muy largo, a este paso tomare una dependencia a este juego a algo asi jaja. PSD: me demore 7 horas con 8 minutos y 53 segundos
krasny (29 September 2021, 2:03) complain
Ok, this one is almost impossible to solve. I gave up after 3 hours, but picture is realy nice.
robi80 (16 October 2021, 21:44) complain
Randy (21 October 2021, 3:50) complain
Great pic but way to large to be entertaining - more like a job. I have two monitors side by side and it still wouldn't fit. If the page developers could make it so the border could be frozen like on a spreadsheet it would make these XXL puzzles better.
Headrock (22 October 2021, 12:32) complain
To anyone having problems with larger puzzles: Go to your Settings (see left sidebar), find "beta-testing of the new page of solving the crossword", and activate it. Use the button near the top-right corner of the puzzle to go FULL SCREEN. Drag with the middle-mouse-button to scroll. The arrows in the top-left corner of the screen are used to freeze the numbers in place.

You're welcome.
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Leodian (4 November 2021, 5:58) complain
I'd love to try that, but unfortunately my touchpad doesn't have a setting for a middle mouse button (not that I can find). At least it should become a standard thing eventually in normal screen. I can but dream...
marti36 (28 October 2021, 0:45) complain
It's such an amazing puzzle, I've never done one so big, I loved every second of it! Recommended to use full screen when resolving it, absolutely worth it
tbturker (3 November 2021, 11:22) complain
It was a great puzzle, both with respect to size and with respect to joy & resulting picture. Thanks wrozlaw.
Jitender_Sharma (11 November 2021, 15:17) complain
It was amazing to complete this. Thanks a lot Wrozlaw for creating this nonogram.
Leodian (13 November 2021, 3:58) complain
Ten hours. Lots of scrolling and a lovely result.
show: 1 🗨
Leodian (13 November 2021, 4:13) complain
Also led to reading up on Greek mythology, which is always a pleasure.
Spiros (28 November 2021, 11:29) complain
Great puzzle from all aspects ...!!!.
Thank you ...!!!.
sallyannlady (17 December 2021, 23:11) complain
23:13:30 ... and that was with help from the Xs- that was so hard, but I enjoyed it all. Thank you. Now I have to look up and see who they are.
logicdude61 (6 June 2022, 1:52) complain
8:26:10, little more than an hour less than the 9:40 avg...but also relied almost exclusively on Intuitive Guessing, which this puzzle's design made quite easy. Yeah VERY big pic, but I also love the X-X-Large no matter the end result, too. Nice pic!
dkneis (12 July 2024, 18:21) complain
this is absolutely gorgeous
dkneis (12 July 2024, 18:22) complain
and if you complain about the size of the puzzle then good news, you don't have to complete it :)
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