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Japanese crossword «Fish»

Size: 45x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:7/10Added:23.08.21Author: Laridae

Chorton (24 August 2021, 2:47) complain
Beautiful..would look nice in colour
wisekaren (24 August 2021, 19:48) complain
My gosh, I don't know why but this was IMPOSSIBLE for me to solve! I had to use all the hints and then take a couple of guesses, which I've never done before! Would love to know if anyone else struggled with this one.
show: 3 🗨
cedel (24 August 2021, 23:40) complain
I found it particularly difficult too. I had to use every trick I knew and come up with a new one entirely just to get the first ten percent done, and it somehow got tougher from there!
PastMaster (27 August 2021, 4:49) complain
Yes, some very subtle inferences in the beginning. I kept looking at columns, since the puzzle was so wide, but of course what I was hung up on was in a row.
gogo17 (31 August 2022, 16:52) complain
My experience was similar actually and thought may be I was a little tired. Hence, I could finally be able to complete the puzzle without any hints after an unusal amount of time..
mfp (18 September 2021, 19:48) complain
Great workout. Thank you!
Kalou (27 January 2024, 21:18) complain
Very hart but very interesting, thank's
smkim000 (30 January 2024, 5:39) complain
It's a great puzzle...
miaow (23 February 2024, 2:56) complain
Good challenge, no hints needed, but tough at times. Very satisfying. Thanks
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