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Japanese crossword «A pair of swans»

Size: 35x17Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:22.08.21Author: Kozochka

greghafa (23 August 2021, 2:16) complain
As Jeffrey Osborne sings in the background...
StephenD (23 August 2021, 2:58) complain
Great picture
GulfCoastGuppy (23 August 2021, 3:32) complain
ultracritical (23 August 2021, 6:27) complain
I rarely enjoy symmetrical puzzles, and this one isn't changing my mind. The constructor makes an effort at altering the symmetry on either side of the dividing line just enough so that it isn't a mirror image. Unfortunately it just isn't enough to make the solve interesting. That said, it is well constructed and does require more thought than simply putting the same pixels in mirrored columns ad nauseam.

The resulting image is too kitschy for my tastes. Much like the quality of the solve, there is evidence that the creator took the time to add details that elevate the image beyond two carbon copies. The differences in the bases and necks are nice touches. Overall, there is nothing technically wrong with the image or the puzzle. It just feels like a talented creator taking the easy road instead of crafting something truly original. Your mileage may vary.
show: 3 🗨
QueenCC (24 August 2021, 21:13) complain
Initially, I thought this was a heart with bows & ribbons. It is kitschy for you, but for me, it was an aah moment. Swans mate for life. This is an often seen picture in the real life of swan mates. So, unless you're thinking life can be kitschy, I beg to differ with you.
show: 2 🗨
ultracritical (26 August 2021, 7:09) complain
By definition, 'kitshy' is going to be subjective. What one my find overly sentimental to the point of poor taste, another may thoroughly enjoy. While nature itself could be considered kitschy, even I am not cynical enough to conjure up a good example. In the case of real life swans, images of a pair of birds with their necks in the shame of a heart is almost universally acknowledged as a symbol of love... and to the more jaded, a symbol of fidelity that humans swoon over while rarely achieving themselves.

I find the idea that two birds whose necks just so happen to make a shape that humans conflate with a common emotion to be kitschy. Not the birds themselves. Their expression of love has nothing to do with the shape of their necks. Humans have been using the heart as a symbol of love since Aristotle first described the basic anatomical shape. To marry the two concepts is to find sticky-sweet sentimentality in pure coincidence. Ergo: kitschy.
ultracritical (26 August 2021, 7:09) complain
Regardless, thank you for taking the time to differ with me, and for expressing your opinion in a thoughtful and rational way. I find a genuine discussion to be the best way to enjoy art! Have a great day!
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2021, 7:59) complain
Not much effort to do this one without using Xs.
The-Nono-Gram (23 August 2021, 8:00) complain
Saw some young swans that kept dancing when a particular song started. Apparently it was their cygnet-ure tune.
show: 2 🗨
QueenCC (24 August 2021, 21:14) complain
The tune was called, "The Ugly Duckling."
show: 1 🗨
The-Nono-Gram (25 August 2021, 1:05) complain
Well, of course it was.
QueenCC (24 August 2021, 21:15) complain
Well done, in both the symbolic and actual rendition of these. Way to go!
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