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Japanese crossword «Dressing table»

Size: 18x15Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:21.08.21Author: yec72

Onono (22 August 2021, 1:30) complain
The trademark boxy style doesn't work here.
Chorton (22 August 2021, 2:08) complain
what has she done with Luka
3strikesurout (22 August 2021, 4:27) complain
Ah yes, I bet Luka was very cute at that age.
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The-Nono-Gram (22 August 2021, 21:07) complain
That's not his crib, silly.
qwert7661 (22 August 2021, 5:11) complain
The dressing table itself suggests its depth masterfully, and is reminiscent of the friendly graphics of old school video games. The figure, on the other hand, is muddled by an unnatural sitting position, which in turn makes her chair less coherent and detaches her from the mirror she is supposed to be looking into. She's recognizably female, but that's about all there is to say for her. We get greatness from the left but mediocrity from the right.

The subject matter is unique but nevertheless strikes what is my favorite tone for a nonogram - that of quietly simple humanity. With a more coherent human figure, it could have been strongly evocative of those intimately anxious moments of self-inspection before an important social event. Unfortunately, our figure communicates nothing about herself.

The solution is straightforward but not tedious. A satisfying completion for me in 8:30.
ultracritical (22 August 2021, 7:49) complain
I was going to review this one, but qwert7661 beat me to it. Their insights on this puzzle are spot on, and attempting to add my own critique would only serve to prove what many already think: I enjoy the sound of my own voice too much. They are right of course!
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qwert7661 (22 August 2021, 18:01) complain
As a fellow own-voice enjoyer, I have to thank you for giving me the idea to write nonogram reviews. :P
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ultracritical (23 August 2021, 5:21) complain
I welcome the competition. Hopefully we will have opposing views on puzzles in the future. I much prefer debating with someone who can articulate their views beyond "ultracritical doesn't know what he's talking about, dur, dur, dur!" On that note, be prepared for people to disagree with your opinions and let you know that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Dur, dur, dur...
marina_v (22 August 2021, 10:15) complain
That's right. Make yourself pretty, go out there and find another partner. Luka is history.
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The-Nono-Gram (22 August 2021, 21:07) complain
No way Grandma outlives Luka!
QueenCC (22 August 2021, 18:47) complain
Thank you qwert & ultra. Exactly my thoughts.
iogurte (25 August 2021, 2:40) complain
inma (10 September 2021, 22:53) complain
I see a sort of solitude in her, quite moving…
eeyore004 (7 September 2023, 21:59) complain
She's looking in the mirror, feeling insecure, because Luka is an unfaithful dog.
Celandine (18 November 2023, 16:13) complain
I enjoyed solving this, without xs for once, though it took me more than 7 minutes
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