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Japanese crossword «Pirate»

Size: 11x13Picture:6/10Difficulty:4/10Added:19.08.21Author: mindscrub

Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (19 August 2021, 23:48) complain
Good man.
show: 1 🗨
3strikesurout (20 August 2021, 0:15) complain
I'm not so sure about that.
3strikesurout (20 August 2021, 0:14) complain
Great job fitting this into such a tiny space!
ultracritical (20 August 2021, 7:07) complain
mindscrub rarely fails to deliver a quality puzzle, and this is not one of the exceptions. Given the size, a simple solve is to be expected, but the creator still manages to craft a puzzle that requires solvers to traverse the entire grid, picking up only a few pixels at a time. This style causes the final image to come together slowly and is a hallmark of a constructor that understands his craft.

The image is simple, but highly effective. mindscrub's eye for detail is present here, cramming as much into the picture as the space will allow. My only complaint is that the website changed the title of the puzzle. This is obviously US Representative Dan Crenshaw. Oh, well. Thank you mindscrub for another solid tiny one!
show: 4 🗨
Author mindscrub (20 August 2021, 7:55) complain
Thanks, I love it when they come together just right. Amazing resemblance to Crenshaw; glad I chose the other eye!
show: 2 🗨
mbates992 (29 September 2021, 17:10) complain
I see Steve "Patch" Johnson from late 1980's Days of Our Lives.
show: 1 🗨
brumeux77 (7 November 2021, 5:54) complain
I was in a waiting room yesterday when Days was on the big screen TV, and there was someone on it with an eye patch. Maybe the late '80s are back!
The-Nono-Gram (20 August 2021, 20:43) complain
It's nice that your sense of humor leaked out. :-)
room138 (20 August 2021, 11:56) complain
Yay, a new tiny puzzle!
Specky1 (20 August 2021, 14:47) complain
emilynovak (13 October 2021, 23:20) complain
Very cool!
Deuken (24 November 2021, 16:54) complain
Very nice!
andy11 (10 August 2024, 13:00) complain
Amazing what you can do with a light bulb!
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