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Japanese crossword «Dolphins»

Size: 30x20Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:16.08.21Author: Kozochka

andy11 (17 August 2021, 1:00) complain
Good picture of dolphins though it could just as easily be titled Yin and Yan...
meri123 (17 August 2021, 1:04) complain
super cute :)
msat (17 August 2021, 2:06) complain
Looks even better in the thumbnail. Nice job!
GulfCoastGuppy (17 August 2021, 3:22) complain
Very nice!
The-Nono-Gram (17 August 2021, 4:42) complain
Remember, If your apartment is hit by a dolphin, DO NOT GO OUT TO SEE IF THE DOLPHIN IS OKAY
That's how the hurricane tricks you into coming outside.
show: 6 🗨
WeirdAlex03 (17 August 2021, 7:23) complain
I can't believe hurricanes would do such a thing! As much as I hate PETA, I think it's time we (temporarily) set aside our differences against a common enemy and cancel hurricanes!

Well, actually, now that I think about it, dolphins are actually pretty problematic, too... They like to get high off pufferfish, they attack and kill other animals just for sport, they frequently assault and rape females, even hold them hostage, they commit infantcide so they can rape the females sooner... You know what? Maybe the hurricanes aren't so bad after all
show: 4 🗨
QueenCC (17 August 2021, 8:28) complain
I hope those comments were made in jest. Killer whales - orcas - actually possess some of these traits.
show: 2 🗨
Phil_Faidley (19 August 2021, 7:49) complain
so do humans
Celandine (19 November 2023, 3:34) complain
Orcas are a kind of large porpoise, cousins to dolphins
The-Nono-Gram (17 August 2021, 21:28) complain
Flipper wouldn't like what you said. :-)
QueenCC (17 August 2021, 8:29) complain
Very funny. The other hurricane trick is to make you think they're delivering lumber - trees right through your front door.
QueenCC (17 August 2021, 8:30) complain
Liked the use of white space.
elftrees (18 August 2021, 0:44) complain
Lovely design. What's all this about dolphins???
Maburg (18 August 2021, 15:22) complain
Very nice, white dolphins. Although like the design.
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