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Japanese crossword «Still young»

Size: 65x60Picture:9/10Difficulty:8/10Added:29.07.21Author: anikina2021

Philonius (31 July 2021, 11:18) complain
Impeccable detail! Great job!
wisekaren (1 August 2021, 18:35) complain
FANTASTIC! Took me a loooooong time to solve, but well worth it.
show: 1 🗨
GulfCoastGuppy (2 August 2021, 4:44) complain
Me too! Not sure if I'm still young :P Love the image and the difficulty
tbturker (4 August 2021, 12:29) complain
I used all the hints (which I do very rarely). It took more than my 3 hours, but definitely worth it. Great job anikina2021. Thanks.
Pedestrianfury (17 July 2022, 3:44) complain
Beautiful image, and great fun getting there.
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